
Congratulations, Christine! Get to know Christine with five questions:


What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to hike, so I’m out in the wilderness a lot. My favorite time to start is early in the morning, when I can watch the sun come up.


What was your favorite project you’ve worked on?
My favorite project is one I’ve been working on since I joined Davis & Company. It’s campus communication for a key location of a pharmaceutical company. We produce a newsletter, manage digital screens, promote events, create interesting print pieces and so much more. It’s amazing to see how much we have done and what has changed over the years.


What is something most people don’t know about you?
I danced and competed in Latin and ballroom for six years; although I’m pretty rusty now.


What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
Climbed to the top of Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park. If you have the stomach for 1,000 foot drops on either side of you, without a climbing harness, you should do it.  My colleague, Donna Marino, also summited it and I’m pretty sure she would agree with me. 


What place do you love to visit?
I love to travel all over the world to see and experience new things.