
Employees today are swamped with meetings and the relentless flurry of emails they receive every day. How can internal communication break through the clutter? In this one-minute video, the Davis & Company team shares practical advice on how to get employees’ attention.



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Liz Leyland, Host:       
Hi, my name is Liz Leyland, your host for, Got A Minute? Employees today are swamped with meetings and the endless flurry of emails they receive every day. So how can internal communication cut through the clutter?

Alyssa Zeff, Vice President:    
If you really want to get employee's attention, in addition to thinking about communicating to them, think about communicating with them.

Sam Viscomi, Project Manager:        
I would communicate using a similar style to social media platforms. Quick, timely, specific updates, with the ability to ask questions and comments.

Maira Sarwar-Sheikh, Project Specialist:       
Cut through the clutter with visuals. Use infographics to communicate a lot of information at a glance.

Robert Tepper, Graphic Designer:     
You can use an attention-grabbing image, simple type, and an organized layout and it's going to make your message stand out and be memorable.

Cheryl Ross, Senior Project Director:
Instead of announcing the new initiative to improve productivity, I would announce that, next week you'll be able to submit reports 20 minutes faster because of the productivity initiative.

Liz Leyland, Host:       
I hope these ideas help you to break through the clutter and reach employees. See you next time. For more great tips for improving employee communication, visit us at