Man pointing to sign


Major change is like professional sports. To be successful, you need dedication, planning, training and a whole lot of stamina. And while talented players are obviously important, just as critical are the leaders and coaches who guide the team through the rigors of the match.

If your organization is facing major change, you need a game plan to make sure that senior leaders, key leaders and managers are prepared to step up to the plate and start communicating. Start by understanding the role that each leader and manager plays. Then provide support to set them up for success:

Senior leaders  
Where they play CEO and direct reports
Team role General Manager
Game day (change)
Set priorities and share progress and accomplishments. 
Preparation and training Encourage the CEO to set expectations for how his team will communicate. Provide senior leaders with a complete communication playbook, including talking points, PowerPoint and FAQs.


Key leaders  
Where they play VPs and directors 2 to 3 levels down from senior leaders
Team role Coach
Game day (change)
Focus the team by assessing progress and setting objectives of the next play.  
Preparation and training Brief key leaders (with plenty of time for Q&A) so they feel knowledgeable about the change. Give them tools to communicate.


Where they play Managers and supervisors who run departments or supervise individuals
Team role Team Captain
Game day (change)
Call the plays on the field and hold regular huddles to give direction on “what we need to do.”
Preparation and training Prepare managers to answer questions. Set up a microsite where they can access information about the change, especially detailed FAQs.