
Your internal communication program is good. But you wonder: How can I make it great? Here are 17 suggestions that will yield immediate improvements—to capture employees’ attention, build knowledge and create stronger engagement:


Start every new project or initiative by setting objectives that describe specific outcomes. That way, you’ll create focus for your efforts.


Organize a focus group to ask employees for their ideas about how to improve internal communication. You’ll be amazed by how much you learn.


Reduce the use of PowerPoint slides in town halls. Limit presentations to less than half the time; facilitate an interactive session to encourage employee participation.


Make every email about one topic. Chunk content by using bullets and subheads so employees can scan the message in a few seconds. Provide links for more detailed information.


Create an ongoing forum that brings senior leaders together with a small group of employees for an informal discussion.


Use 50% more images and 25% fewer words for every piece of content on your intranet.


Reduce the number of separate emails your team sends. Explore what can be eliminated (because it’s not timely or relevant) or combined.


Reboot posters. Use roadside billboards as your inspiration to create posters that attract attention and instantly convey a message.


Begin every communication by answering this question: “What’s in it for me?”


Understand that newsletters aren’t actually “news.” Instead, focus on providing how-to content that helps employees solve a problem or learn helpful information.


Stop posting press releases. Boil them down to 25-word summaries or expand them to include unique information that answers employees’ questions about the topic.


Give organizational announcements an extreme makeover. Think about how they could be significantly shorter or more visual or more tailored—anything to reduce boredom and increase value.


Leverage every senior leader event. Take photos, shoot video, even write short articles to share highlights with employees who didn’t attend.


Label content so employees know what category it’s about. Think about external media which uses tags like Sports, Politics, Lifestyle and Culture.


Pursue every form of measurement at your disposal. Spot surveys, web metrics, a few questions in an engagement survey—they’re all great data.


Use evidence to improve your program and make your case to key stakeholders. Don’t say, “I think we should do this….” Bring data to demonstrate why.


Think outside the box. Explore interesting, zany, surprising ideas. They may not be immediately practical but they’re likely to lead to new approaches.