Why-and how-to communicate L&D to employees

You’ve worked too hard—and invested too much—to limit your learning and development (L&D) program to just a few diehard fans. That’s why it’s important to make sure that all employees understand what learning opportunities are available and how to build their skills by participating in your offerings.

After all, a strong L&D program helps your organization:

learning and development facts
learning and development facts
learning and development facts

To make sure your program gets top billing, create effective communication.

Sing >
Showcase >
Craft >
Sing from your employees’ songbook, not HR’s
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  • Talk about improving skills, not expanding competencies.
  • Discuss career growth, not talent development.
  • Give your online learning platform a friendly name, not “LMS” or learning management system.
Showcase your program’s benefits, not its features
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  • Talk about how courses will help employees achieve their goals, not how many courses you offer.
  • Promote the program’s on-demand accessibility, not that it’s cloud-based.
  • Tell employees they’ll find everything they need, not that the program is comprehensive.
Craft a set list with variety, not just ballads
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  • Create a series of short articles about employees who have advanced their careers with the program.
  • Establish a dedicated intranet page that houses links to online courses and other resources.
  • Develop digital signs and print posters to remind employees about the program.

Cheering crowd
For more information about employee communication, visit us at www.davisandco.com/services
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