

associate project director

Lucy has an unmatched passion for pushing creative. As a past public speaking instructor, she knows how to deliver meaningful messages in a clear and effective manner, and her strong writing and research skills make her a valuable member of the consulting team. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communication studies from The College of New Jersey and a master’s degree in communications from The University of Delaware.

Q&A with Lucy Obozintsev

What makes Davis & Company special?
What sets Davis & Company apart is our kindness: We truly care about our clients, co-workers and community. From sending a client a “surprise and delight” box, to presenting a colleague with a “You’re Valued” card, we make a point to celebrate professional and personal wins. Plus, we continually look for ways to give back to our community through various volunteer efforts. Whether you work with or for our company, you’ll be part of a team that always has your back. And that’s not something you see every day.

How do you kick back and relax?
I cuddle up in bed with my dog, some tea and my Netflix subscription.

What’s your favorite movie?
I’m a horror movie junkie, so I’d have to go with Wes Craven’s Scream.