
A picture is worth a thousand words is an old adage. But with 176 million registered users and climbing, Pinterest is proving it’s still true in the world of social media.

Pinterest users post or “pin” images from around the Web on boards they create to represent their interests. These pins link back to the original source, like bookmarks, so users can easily revisit the material. Other users can view those pins and comment on them.

Pictures, commenting and the thrill of discovering shared interests are essential to the Pinterest experience. They’re also essential for engaging employees on your internal social media.

What if we applied these principles to an intranet home page? How would it look?


Spotlight your company’s charitable activities, like building a house for Habitat for Humanity, by pinning pictures of actual employees participating. Plus, by giving employees the ability to comment, you encourage discussions and get immediate feedback on what pins generate the most interest.
Grab employees’ attention and improve understanding by pinning interesting infographics to communicate complex concepts or processes at a glance.
Bring a new product launch or advertising campaign to life by pinning a video clip of the press conference or latest commercial.
Freshen up common HR topics like retirement planning with some eye-catching visuals.