Need perspective on an internal communication project? We’re here for you. Tell us your latest roadblock and we’ll help you navigate it. From engaging remote employees to reopening the workplace to virtual onboarding, we’ve done it all and we know what resonates.

We can quickly assess your communication strategy, channels and tactics.

With over 35 years of experience with employee communication, Davis & Company can dive in, quickly assess your work and provide insightful feedback.

Here’s what we’ll do for you

  • Hold a 45-minute kickoff call
    We’ll discuss your challenge and what you’re hoping to accomplish.

  • Review your communication materials
    We’ll review your communication plans, channel strategies or individual tactics (e.g., newsletters, digital signs, intranet pages, town hall presentations).

  • Develop recommendations
    We’ll generate ideas based on our experience with similar situations and our knowledge of leading practices.

  • Facilitate a 90-minute web session
    We’ll share feedback, discuss examples of how other organizations have addressed your situation and review our recommendations; you’ll leave with an action plan.

The result

You’ll have all the advice you need to address your challenge and accomplish your objectives.



Ready to dive in?

Check out these resources to get a jump start.

Howdy, Sheriff! Saddle up and rein in your communication channels

Wrangle your communication channels before they turn into the Wild West.

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How to assess the effectiveness of your communication channels

Here are eight questions you should ask to improve your employee communication channels.

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Use survey data to improve your internal communication channels

5 ideas to take employee communication to the next level.

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We can help you assess your communication efforts

Are your efforts paying off? Measure effectiveness so you know what’s working—and what needs work.

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